Matsui Ec 1000 User Manual
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Apc Smart Ups 1000 User Manual

© Hach Company, 1994-1997. All rights are reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
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Summary of Contents for Hach EC1000
- Page 1 48275-18 EC1000 PROCESS pH/ORP SYSTEM INSTRUCTION MANUAL © Hach Company, 1994-1997. All rights are reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. al/dk 7/97 3ed..
Page 3: Certification
Hach Company certifies this instrument was tested thoroughly, inspected, and found to meet its published specifications when it was shipped from the factory. The EC1000 Process pH/ORP System has been tested and is certified as indicated to the following instrumentation standards:..- Page 4 1. Disconnect power from the EC1000 Controller to verify that it is the source of the interference. 2. If the EC1000 Controller is plugged into the same outlet as the device with which it is interfering, try another outlet. 3. Move the EC1000 Controller away from the device receiving the interference.
Page 5: Table Of Contents
2.2.8 Warnings ...............36 2.3 Calibration ................37 2.3.1 pH Calibration ..............38 Two-Point Calibration with Auto Recognition of Hach Buffers .....39 One-Point Grab Sample Calibration .......... 40 Calibration Procedure Variations ..........40 One Point Calibration with a Buffer .......... 41 Calibration Review ............- Page 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS, continued SECTION 3 SERIAL INTERFACE ............45 3.1 Optional Serial Interface Board .............45 3.2 Data Communications Format/Setup ............45 3.3 Print Format ................45 3.4 Remote Input Commands ..............46 SECTION 4 PID CONTROL .............49 4.1 pH Controller Basics ................49 4.2 Instrument Settings ...............49 4.2.1 Set Point ...............49 4.2.2 Dead Band ...............49 4.2.3 Preset ................49..
- Page 7 8.3.2 Pump Fuse Replacement .............90 8.4 Pump Motor Replacement ..............90 SECTION 9 TROUBLESHOOTING ............91 9.1 Troubleshooting the EC1000 Controller ............ 91 9.1.1 Test Diagnostic Menu .............91 9.1.2 Error Codes ...............94 9.1.3 System Warnings ..............95 9.2 Troubleshooting the pH Electrode .............
Page 9: Specifications
SPECIFICATIONS (Specifications subject to change without notice.) CONTROLLER SPECIFICATIONS Ranges: pH: -2 to 16 pH; mV: -2000 to +2000 mV; Temperature: -5 to +105 °C Accuracy*: pH: ±0.02 pH; mV: ±1.0% of reading, ±35 mV non-calibrated; Temperature: ±1.5 °C before calibration with electrode, ±0.4 °C after calibration with electrode.- Page 10 Electrical Output: Two 4-20 mA current loops, directly proportional to mV and temperature Electrode Housing: Kynar (lower body)/Noryl (polyphenylene oxide) (upper body) Hach One ORP ELECTRODE SPECIFICATIONS mV Range: -2000 to 2000 mV Temperature Range: 0 to 60 °C Pressure Range: 0 to 35 psi (241 kPa) Accuracy*: mV: ±10 mV;..
- Page 11 SPECIFICATIONS, continued INDUSTRIAL PROCESS pH ELECTRODE SPECIFICATIONS pH Range: 0 to 12 pH Reproducibility: ±2% of reading Temperature and Pressure Range: 0 to 80 °C at 0 to 100 psig; 0 to 100 °C at ambient pressure Slope: (pH 4 to pH 7) @ 25 °C: >170 mV Reference Element: Ag/AgCl Electrode Diameter: 28.2 mm (1.11') at tip Electrode Length: 175 mm (6.9')
Page 13: Safety Precautions
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Before attempting to unpack, set up, or operate this instrument, please read this entire manual. Pay particular attention to all warnings, cautions and notes. Failure to do so could result in serious injury to the operator or damage to the equipment. To ensure the protection provided by this equipment is not impaired, this equipment MUST NOT be installed or used in any manner other than that which is specified in this manual.Page 15: Operation
WARNHINWEIS Da das Arbeiten mit chemikalischen Proben, Standards, Reagenzien und Abfällen mit Gefahren verbunden ist, empfiehlt die Hach Company dem Benutzer dieser Produkte dringend, sich vor der Arbeit mit sicheren Verfahrensweisen und dem richtigen Gebrauch der Chemikalien oder Biogefahrgut vertraut zu machen und alle entsprechenden Materialsicherheitsdatenblätter..Page 17: Section 1 General Information
(Example 2) Alarm 1-pH Low Alarm Alarm 2-Temperature Low Alarm The EC1000 Controller can be mounted up to 1000 feet from the electrode. The pump module can be mounted up to 50 feet from the electrode. 1.3 Electrolyte Pump The pump used on this system is a low pressure linear peristaltic pump, which operates up..- Page 18 Figure 1 Controller Front Panel..
- Page 19 Table 1 Controller Front Panel Item Name Function LED Display Main display field. Consists of eight 14-segment alpha-numeric 0.54″ high red LED characters. During normal operation, this field displays either the pH or mV value (depending on the mode of operation selected).
- Page 20 Figure 2 Pump Module..
Page 21: Hach One Process Ph Electrode
1.4 Hach One Process pH Electrode The Hach One pH Electrode features a continuous, free-flowing reference junction to assure a constant long-lasting reference potential. The electrode contains a replaceable pH glass sensor (in bulb or flat configuration) a reference half cell, a temperature sensor, and an internal preamp.Page 22: Industrial Process Ph Electrode
Electrodes 1.6 Industrial Process pH Electrode The Hach Industrial pH Electrode’s unique design does not use an electrolyte pump and does not have a replaceable sensor. The low-maintenance electrode has self-pressurized electrolyte and a flat electrode. The electrode features high temperature and pressure resistance and is designed for traditional applications such as water and wastewater analysis.Page 23: Principle Of Operation
1.8 Principle of Operation The EC1000 Process pH/ORP System consists of a combination pH or ORP electrode, a controller, and a reference electrolyte pump (see Figure 5 on page 23). The electrode consists of a pH or ORP measuring half cell and a double junction reference half cell, which establish a potential characteristic of the sample.- Page 24 Figure 6 pH Control Loop..
Page 25: Section 2 Operation
SECTION 2 OPERATION 2.1 Operating the User-Programmable Setup The EC1000 Controller is a menu-operated instrument. In the setup menu, each of the instrument settings are grouped into submenus of common settings. For user programming, move to the desired setting, and edit the current value. Refer to Table 18 on page 99, which describes operation of the Diagnostic Test Menu.- Page 26 Example—changing ALARM2, SET PoiNT from 16.00 pH to 7.50 pH: 1. First move to the set point entry as described in Section 2.1.1 Moving ALARM2 Around the Menu. Press ENTER 2. Press the key to move the flashing digit to the right. RIGHT ARROW 3.
Page 27: Restoring Default Settings
2.1.3 Restoring Default Settings To clear all previous settings (not necessary on first time start-up), press CLEAR simultaneously and the DISPlay TeST appears: ENTER 1. Press the key to scroll down through the display test menu to DOWN ARROW COLD StaRT. 2.Page 28: Setup Menu
2.2 Setup Menu 2.2.1 Alarms Two independent programmable setpoint alarms are provided. Each alarm can be set to operate on pH, mV, or temperature setpoints, and may be programmable to be either a high alarm or a low alarm. When the programmed setpoints are exceeded, the alarm LED turns on.Page 29: Recorder Output
Press . The DeLaY TIME is locked in, and the display returns to: ENTER Press . The display backs out to: CLEAR Press the key. DOWN ARROW The ALARM2 submenu is identical to ALARM1 submenu: mode; set point; hysteresis; and delay time are all selected identical to ALARM1. Press and then again to back out to the top level of the menu, or press..Page 30: Pid Output
Press to save the new value. ENTER Press . This backs out to the WINDOW menu of the RECORDER submenu. CLEAR Next, press the key to advance to: DOWN ARROW The function of the OUTput TRIM adjustment is slightly different from the rest of the edit functions.- Page 31 Press ENTER The current value for SET PoiNT appears on the display. Change the value by pressing the key and the key or the key. RIGHT ARROW DOWN ARROW UP ARROW Press to save the SET PoiNT value and advance to: ENTER Press ENTER..
- Page 32 repeat percentages or values. When all entries are made, return to the Controller MODE options and select CURVE. Example—(Assuming PH was selected for the controller MODE) Press ENTER Select the percent (of reagent addition) for the first point (X axis) by pressing the RIGHT key and the key or the..
Page 33: Recorder 2
Press ENTER This is the trim controller full scale setting (in terms of mA). Press the key or the key to adjust the output. DOWN ARROW UP ARROW Press three times. This backs out to the top level of the menu, or you may press the CLEAR key to exit the menu.- Page 34 Press ENTER Press to choose the temperature compensation mode (automatic [AUTO TC] or ENTER manual [MAN TC]). AUTOmatic Temperature Compensation is the default. If MANual Temperature Compensation is chosen, press the key or the key to toggle to: DOWN ARROW UP ARROW Press ENTER..
Page 35: Keylock
Press ENTER The DATABIT menu is 7 or 8. Select the value by pressing the key or the DOWN ARROW key. UP ARROW Press ENTER The STOPBIT menu is 1 or 2. Select the value by pressing the key or the DOWN ARROW key.Page 36: Reference Solution Timer
To set the keyboard lockout status, press to call up the setup menu: SETUP Press the key three times to scroll to: UP ARROW To call up the keyboard lockout code entry, press ENTER Using the keys, enter the lockout code. UP ARROW DOWN ARROW To key in the keyboard lockout code entry, press..Page 37: Calibration
SECTION 9 TROUBLESHOOTING for additional information on the system warnings. To display or clear the WARNINGS, press to call up the setup menu: SETUP Press the key to scroll to: UP ARROW Press ENTER Press . The system displays the Warning Codes shown in Table 3. Additional details ENTER about the warning can be found in Section 9.1.2 Error Codes and Section 9.1.3 System Warnings.Page 38: Ph Calibration
WARNING ADVERTENCIA To familiarize yourself Para familiarizarse con las precauciones de manipulación, los peligros y los prcedimientos with handling de emergencia, siempre estudie las Hojas de Datos de Seguridad de los Materiales antes de precautions, dangers and manipular recipientes, depósitos y sistemas de entrega que contengan reactivos y patrones emergency procedures, químicos.Page 39: Two-point Calibration With Auto Recognition Of Hach Buffers
Section Calibration Procedure Variations. 1. Prepare a pH 4.01 Hach Buffer (Cat. No. 22269-66) and a pH 7.00 Hach Buffer (Cat. No. 22270-66) by dissolving the contents of one powder pillow in 50 mL of deionized water, and mix.Page 40: One-point Grab Sample Calibration
You may use one auto and one manually entered buffer or two manually entered buffers using the following Hach for calibrations. The order in which the buffers are used has no effect on the calibration.Page 41: One Point Calibration With A Buffer
4. Edit the value on the display by pressing the key and the RIGHT ARROW DOWN key or the key so the display matches the buffer value. ARROW UP ARROW 5. Press . The readout displays the current pH value. ENTER One Point Calibration with a Buffer..Page 42: Orp Calibration/mv Zero
To calibrate the ORP electrode, the offset of the internal preamp must be zeroed, and then solution is not suggested the electrode must be standardized in a solution of known redox potential. Hach offers due to potential Light’s Solution (Cat. No. 26125-20) as an ORP standard in 20-mL glass ampules sealed contamination.Page 43: Orp Electrode Check
To ensure the ORP electrode is functioning correctly, it is necessary to check its potential in a solution of known redox potential. The nominal potential of the Hach EC1000 ORP electrode in Light’s and ZoBell’s solution are given in Table 4. Also see Table 5.- Page 44 6. Edit the value on the display to match the mV potential of the sample by pressing the key and the key or the key. RIGHT ARROW DOWN ARROW UP ARROW 7. Press . The readout displays the current mV value. ENTER 8.
Page 45: Section 3 Serial Interface
SECTION 3 SERIAL INTERFACE 3.1 Optional Serial Interface Board A serial interface board (Cat. No. 46326-00) is available as a user-installed option for the pH/ORP Meter. The board enables the analyzer to be connected to a printer or a computer to provide a permanent record of pH/mV levels and the occurrence of any alarm conditions.Page 46: Remote Input Commands
Figure 7 Analyzer Printout KEYBOARD LOCKED ALARM 1 = 105.0 C LOW ALARM 1 HYST = 0.5 C ALARM 1 DELAY = 00 SECS ALARM 2 = 16.00 PH HIGH ALARM 2 HYST = 0.50 PH ALARM 2 DELAY = 00 SECS SIGNAL AVERAGE = 03 SECS AUTO TEMPERATURE COMP PRINT EVERY 00 MINS..- Page 47 Table 6 RS-232 Remote Commands Code Function Response GENERAL SETUP Do a cold start Prints setup Set calibration defaults SAV <=(0 to 10)> Recall or set signal average Value (on recall); or OK (on set) Recall current measurement values Prints current values Toggles keyboard lockout status and responds with the Locked or Unlocked new status..
- Page 48 Table 6 RS-232 Remote Commands (continued) Code Function Response ALARMS (continued) A2S <=(-2 to 16 for pH, Recall or set alarm 2 setpoint for current alarm type Value (on recall); OK (on set) ±2000 for mV, -5.0 to 105.0 for temp)> A2H <=(0.01 to 2 for pH, Recall or set alarm hysteresis for current alarm mode Value (on recall);..
Page 49: Section 4 Pid Control
SECTION 4 PID CONTROL 4.1 pH Controller Basics A simple pH control loop is shown in Figure 6 on page 24. This same configuration and procedure can be applied to ORP applications. There are endless variations to this basic loop, but the main elements of the loop are shown. The loop operates as follows: The pH meter measures the value of the pH in the effluent, and, if the pH is different from the setpoint, the controller actuates the reagent pump (or valve) that adds reagent to a mixing tank.- Page 50 if the gain is set too high, the loop goes into oscillation. Because the proportional output is the error times the gain, there must be an error term (unless the required output is the same as the preset value). Figure 8 PID Controller Output Response..
- Page 51 Example— Refer to Figure 9. In the three examples, it is assumed that the signal to the pump requires about 35% to bring the pH value to the set point. In Figure 8a, the preset is at 0%, and the gain is at 10.
Page 52: Reset (integral)
For this example, the slope of the line (process gain) changes considerably depending on the pH of the sample. If this curve is entered into the EC1000, the controller can compensate for the change in process gain to keep the loop gain constant.- Page 53 Figure 10 PID pH Process Gain Setpoint REAGENT DEMAND % The process gain seen by the controller is the slope of a line between the setpoint and the pH measurement on the titration curve. Figure 11 PID Titration Curve REAGENT DEMAND %..
Page 55: Installation/maintenance
INSTALLATION/MAINTENANCE Some of the following manual sections contain warning labels and require special attention. Read and follow all warning instructions carefully to avoid personal injury and damage to the instrument. Only qualified personnel should conduct maintenance procedures on this instrument.Page 57: Section 5 Installation
5.1 Unpacking the Instrument When removing the instruments from their shipping containers, inspect all units for any damage that may have occurred during shipment. The containers include the EC1000 Controller, Pump Module, Electrode, Instruction Manual, installation kits for the Controller and Pump Module, Pump Module maintenance kit, and electrolyte (see REPLACEMENT PARTS on page 109).- Page 58 Figure 12 Controller Installation/Panel Mount..
Page 59: Wall Mounting
The maximum tubing length between the electrode and the pump is 50 feet. The standard configuration includes 20 feet of electrolyte supply tubing. For installations that require 20 to 50 feet of tubing, order Hach Cat. No. 46399-00.Page 60: Installing The Ph/orp Electrode
Figure 14 Pump Installation Installing the pH/ORP Electrode Different mounting equipment is available for the three configurations for mounting the Note: Improve stability in high purity water by electrode. The electrode can be configured as an in-line unit installed in a full pipeline (see grounding the solution Figure 15) or on the end of a dip tube as a submersible unit in a tank or other vessel.- Page 61 Figure 15 Installing the pH/ORP Electrode Figure 16 Flow-Thru Cell..
Page 62: In-line Electrode Installation
5.5.1 In-Line Electrode Installation A 1-½″ NPT fitting is required in line, which must be filled with the sample stream (see Figure 15 on page 61). Orienting the electrode between 45 to 70° from the vertical helps prevent air bubbles from interrupting the signal. Install the mounting collar into the 1-½″ fitting using Teflon tape or thread compound on the male threads.Page 63: Wiring The Meter
Wiring the Meter WARNING ADVERTENCIA Wiring connected in this Los cables de senalizacion conectados a esta caja deben tener una clasificacion de por lo menos box must be rated at least 300Vrms/600Vpk. 300Vrms/600Vpk. ADVISO A hacao dw sinal conectada nesta caixa deve ter classificaco de pelo menos 300Vrms/600Vpk. ATTENTION Le câblage de signalisation raccorde dans ce boîtier doit convenir pour une tension nominale d'au moins 300Vrms/600Vpk.Page 64: Wire Preparation
Figure 18 Controller Circuit Board 5.6.1 Wire Preparation Because low voltages (voltages <30Vrms) and primary voltage (115/230 Vac) are not separable within the controller enclosure, it is necessary that all customer wiring be 300V or more to assure adequate levels of insulation protection of low voltage wires from high voltage circuits.Page 65: Power
Table 7 Power Cord Color Code North American Line Conductor Black Brown Neutral White Blue Ground Conductor Green Green with Yellow Stripe 5.6.2 Power WARNING ADVERTENCIA All electrical connections Todas las conexiones eléctricas deben ser realizadas por un técnico capacitado para asegurar el should be made by a cuplimiento con todos los códigos eléctricos.Page 66: Line Voltage Selection For Meter
The recommended size of the power supply leads is 18AWG, but can be in the range of 12AWG to 18AWG. The wires are routed through the center conduit hole and are hooked up to the power connector (see Figure 17 on page 63). The power leads are twisted together to fit in the compartment formed by the wire shield and the back of the case.Page 67: Electrode Wiring
0 to 10 V, 0 to 1 V, or 0 to 100 mV input. The resistor must be permitted under the connected at the recorder input terminals, not at the EC1000 output terminals. Ordinary compliance regulations listed.Page 68: Pump Wiring
Pump Wiring WARNING ADVERTENCIA All electrical connections Todas las conexiones eléctricas deben ser realizadas por un técnico capacitado para asegurar el should be made by a cuplimiento con todos los códigos eléctricos. Para cumplir con las normas UL, CSA y otras qualified technician to normas de seguridad aplicables a los instrumentos, debe instalarse un interruptor de assure compliance to all..Page 69: Line Voltage Selection For Electrolyte Pump
Figure 20 Pump Module and Electrical Connections 5.7.1 Line Voltage Selection for Electrolyte Pump This instrument is factory set and properly fused for 115 Vac line requirements. To convert Note: Misapplication of AC line power to this the instrument for 230 Vac line requirements, proceed as follows: instrument can cause damage to the instrument.Page 71: Section 6 Basic Start-up
Process pH reference electrolyte (Cat. No. 24291-49 or 24291-17) is recommended for use with the Hach Process pH Electrode and the Hach One Process ORP Electrode. One bottle (500 mL) of electrolyte lasts over one month. The electrolyte timer gives a warning of low electrolyte 30 days after the timer is set.Page 72: Purging The System
6.3 Purging the System 1. Remove the storage cap from the electrode. 2. Loosen the four screws on the face of the pump to allow fluid through the pump tubing. 3. Connect the syringe (with the plunger all the way in) to the side port of the priming tee.Page 73: Calibration
6.4 Calibration See Section 2.3 Calibration. Figure 21 Priming Tee Operation..Page 75: Section 7 Serial Interface
SECTION 7 SERIAL INTERFACE Installation WARNING ADVERTENCIA Wiring connected in this Los cables de senalizacion conectados a esta caja deben tener una clasificacion de por lo menos box must be rated at least 300Vrms/600Vpk. 300Vrms/600Vpk. ADVISO A hacao dw sinal conectada nesta caixa deve ter classificaco de pelo menos 300Vrms/600Vpk. ATTENTION Le cablage de signalisation raccordé..- Page 76 Figure 22 RS-232C Interface Configuration 3 4 5 6 7 Host Computer 25 CKT D-Subminiature Female Connection PIN 1 (SHLD) Note 1 TB1-2 (TXD) PIN 3 (RXD) PIN 2 (TXD) TB1-3 (RXD) TB1-1 (COM) PIN 7 (COM) PIN 4 (RTS) to PIN 5 (CTS) Host Computer PIN 6 (DSR) to PIN 20 (DTR) 25 CKT D-Subminiature Female..
Page 77: Rs-232c Interface Configuration
7.2 RS-232C Interface Configuration The RS-232C interface configuration is suitable in cases where the distance between the analyzer and an external device is relatively short (50 feet or less). Longer distances make the interface connection vulnerable to electrical interference and data transmission errors. For distances longer than 50 feet use the current loop configuration.- Page 78 Table 11 Current Loop Customer Connection Box Post No. Description Function Current loop in (+) Data input loop, positive Current loop in (-) Data input loop, negative Current loop out (+) Data output loop, positive Current loop out (-) Data output loop, negative This configuration does not provide the isolation that may be required at the computer or printer interface.
- Page 79 Figure 23 Recommended Current Loop Hookup Current Source 20 mA Source Computer or Printer Receiver Current Source 20 mA Source Computer Transmitter Current Loop Configuration With Analyzer Providing Current Sources* Current Source Computer or Printer Receiver Current Source Computer Transmitter *Note: The analyzer is not isolated from the current loop in this configuration.
Page 81: Section 8 Electrode And Pump Maintenance
3. Disconnect the electrode cable and reference tubing from the electrode body. disconnecting the electrode at the 4. Unscrew the electrode from the Hach Process pH/ORP Cell Holder, and remove the quick disconnect. bushing or collar from the old electrode.Page 82: Replacing Electrolyte
4. Screw the new sensor assembly into the electrode body using the sensor wrench. Two o-rings are required for proper seating. Make sure the loading nut is flush with the end of the electrode body (see Figure 24). 8.1.4 Replacing Electrolyte One 500-mL bottle of electrolyte lasts over one month.- Page 83 Figure 24 Sensor Replacement..
Page 84: Crystal Formation In Reference Tube
8.1.5 Crystal Formation in Reference Tube The electrolyte solution for the reference portion of the electrode contains 1.5N KCl in 40% glycerol in water solution. Should some portion of the electrode dry out, crystals may interfere with the free flow of electrolyte. These deposits are easily removed by disassembling the check valve (see Figure 25 on page 85) and immersing the entire electrode and tube in hot water (approximately 45 °C/100 °F) for three to five minutes.- Page 85 Figure 25 Hach One pH Process Electrode..
Page 86: Industrial Ph Electrode Shelf Life And Storage Industrial pH Electrode Shelf Life and Storage Rotate and check electrode stock once a year. Prolonged storage on the shelf can cause the reference electrode to dry out. To avoid this, perform a routine maintenance as follows: 1. Remove the electrode from its storage box and remove the cap. 2.Page 87: Orp Electrode Cleaning
8.1.9 ORP Electrode Cleaning Fouling of the platinum sensing element of the ORP electrode can cause sluggish response and drift. To clean the electrode, soak it in 1N HCl for 15 minutes. Recalibrate before replacing it in the sample. 8.1.10 Industrial pH Electrode Cleaning Some process streams contain materials that adhere to the glass of the electrode.Page 88: Fuse Replacement
Fuse Replacement WARNING ADVERTENCIA For continued protection Para una continua protección contra incendios, reemplace los fusibles únicamente por los del against fire, replace tipo y capacidad recomendados. fuses with only fuses AVISO of specified type and Para proteçao contínua contra fogo, troque os fusíveis somente por fusíveis do tipo especificado current rating.- Page 89 Figure 26 Pump Module Plumbing Diagram..
Page 90: Pump Fuse Replacement
8.3.2 Pump Fuse Replacement The fuses are located on the circuit board under the electrical cover (see Figure 20 on page Note: UL/CSA type fuses are required for use in 69). To replace the fuses, disconnect power to the pump and remove the electrical cover by North America, and IEC removing the four corner screws (see Figure 20 on page 69).Page 91: Section 9 Troubleshooting
SECTION 9 TROUBLESHOOTING 9.1 Troubleshooting the EC1000 Controller 9.1.1 Test Diagnostic Menu The diagnostic menu is a special menu for troubleshooting and setting the user programmable keyboard lockout code. The menu is entered from the normal operating mode (displaying pH or mV) by pressing both at the same time.- Page 92 5. Close the System Warning relay. 6. Open all relays. SIO TeST: Pressing at this menu entry runs a serial I/O loop test. ENTER To run this test, connect the serial output back to the serial input (Note: The output to input connection can be made at any point, depending on how much of the system is tested.) This test sends out an ASCII string, and then checks to see if the same string is received.
- Page 93 INPut CALibration: This entry calibrates the 4 to 20 mA inputs for the pH electrode and temperature electrodes. The four submenu entries are 4MA PH, 20MA PH, 4MA TEM, and 20MA TEM. The calibration is done as follows: A 4 mA source is connected to the pH input. Select the 4MA PH menu entry, and press to accept the calibration.
Page 94: Error Codes
9.1.2 Error Codes Table 14 Error Codes Error Error Display Probable Cause Corrective Action Code Description EEFAIL EEPROM One or more of the data cells either Clear the warning (see Section 2.2.8 Warnings ). failure fails to program or losses data. Cycle power off, then on and check system NOTE warnings.Page 95: System Warnings
9.1.3 System Warnings Table 15 System Warnings Display Error Description Probable Cause Corrective Action ROM ER** ROM failure The instrument ROM failed. Replace the microprocessor board. RAM ER RAM failure The instrument RAM failed. Replace the microprocessor board. MARGINAL Marginal calibration During a calibration, the required pH offset Recalibrate the instrument or clean or is greater than ±100 mV;..Page 96: Troubleshooting The Ph Electrode
The calibration procedure Calibrate again using the correct procedure (refer to Section 2.3 Calibration ). Use only Hach buffers when in the AUTO calibration mode. If is incorrect. other buffers are used, use the MANUAL calibration mode (refer to Section 2.3 Calibration ).- Page 97 Table 16 pH Electrode Troubleshooting* (continued) Symptom Probable Cause Corrective Action Clean the pH glass bulb (see Section 8.1.8 pH Electrode Cleaning ). The response The electrode is fouled. The is slow. sample coated the pH glass bulb with a solid film. The sample is cold and/or of Raise the temperature of the sample.
Page 98: Troubleshooting The Orp Electrode
9.3 Troubleshooting the ORP Electrode Table 17 Troubleshooting the ORP Electrode Symptom Probable Cause Corrective Action mV reading does Reference electrode/preamp Zero the preamp. See Section Preamp Zero . not correspond to offset. The Ag/AgCl reference cited mV value for half cell uses a 1.5 M KCl in standard.- Page 99 Table 18 Diagnostic Test Menu Option Sub Menu Description (Press ENTER DISP TST NONE Perform a display pattern test and CLEAR RLY TEST NONE Perform a relay open/close test simultaneously SIO TEST NONE Perform a SIO loop-back test for Diagnostic Menu) REC TEST ZERO..
- Page 100 Table 19 Setup Menu Option Description SETUP ALARMS ALARM 1 (AL) MODE (AL1) Alarm 1 mode (ph high/low, mV high/low, temperature high/low SET PNT (AL1) Alarm 1 setpoint for pH (-2.00 to +16.00 PH), mV (-2000.0 to +2000.0 MV) and temperature (-5.00 to +105 °C) HYST (AL1) Alarm 1 Hysteresis for pH (+0.01 to +2.00 PH), mV (+1.0 to +100.0 MV) and (+0.1 to +2.0 °C)
- Page 101 Table 19 Setup Menu (continued) Option Description Setup INIT SET C COMP (Inl) MODE ( °C) Type of temperature compensation (automatic, manual) (cont.) SET PNT ( °C) Temperature setpoint for manual temperature compensation (-5.0 to +105 °C) SOL TC Solution temperature compensation (- 0.1 pH to + 0.1 pH) SERIAL (Inl) BAUD (SEr) Baud rate of serial I/O (300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600)
Page 107: General Information
GENERAL INFORMATION At Hach Company, customer service is an important part of every product we make. With that in mind, we have compiled the following information for your convenience.Page 109: Replacement Parts
Description Cat. No EC1000 pH System with Flat Bulb Electrode........... 46400-01 EC1000 pH System with Round Bulb Electrode ..........46400-00 EC1000 ORP System with ORP Electrode ...........48270-00 EC1000 pH System with Industrial Electrode ...........48200-00 Each EC1000 pH/ORP system includes:..- Page 110 Process pH Electrolyte (500 mL)............. 24291-49 Process pH Electrolyte (500 mL) pk 4............. 24291-04 Process pH Electrolyte (3.78 liters) ............24291-17 EC1000 Controller Installation Kit............46404-00 Includes:...............Qty Fuse 0.100A, 250V Slow-Blow (T), UL/CSA .......... 1 Fuse 0.100A, 250V Slow-Blow (T), IEC ..........1 Mounting kit including: .............
- Page 111 pH Electrolyte Pump Installation Kit............ 46405-00 Includes: ............... Qty Buffer, pH 4.01 Powder pillow pK/50 ..........1 Buffer, pH 7.00 Powder pillow pK/50 ..........1 ″ I.D. and Foot Strainer.. 1 Electrolyte Reservoir Bottle Assembly with polyethylene tubing ″ O.D............2 Ferrule PTF-200 ″..
Page 113: How To Order
Call 1-800-227-4224. International Customers Hach maintains a network of dealers and distributors throughout the world. In Europe, Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East, customers can contact their local distributor or obtain help from: Hach Europe, S.A./N.V.Page 114: Repair Service
REPAIR SERVICE For instrument service, please contact the Hach Service Center serving your location. In the United States: Hach Company 100 Dayton Ave. Ames, Iowa 50010 (800) 227-4224 (USA only) Phone: (515) 232-2533 FAX: (515) 232-1276 In Canada: Hach Sales & Service Canada Ltd.Page 115: Appendix A Process Ph Electrode Without Internal Preamp
APPENDIX A Process pH Electrode Without Internal Preamp To accommodate other manufacturers meters, Hach offers the free-flowing reference electrode system without an internal preamplifier. A shielded cable is connected directly to the reference and pH sensing half cell and can be terminated with a connector which is compatible with the existing meter.Page 117: Appendix B Supplemental Compliance Information
APPENDIX B Supplemental Compliance Information Instrument Engineering Bulletin The Hach EC1000 shows an accuracy shift when exposed to radio frequency interference of 3 and 10 volts per meter. What this means to you is that if the displayed data is not..- Page 118 APPENDIX B, continued Frequency Display w/o RF Display w/10V RF Temperature w/o RF Temperature w/10 V/m (MHz) (pH) (pH) (°C) (°C) 9.28 3.89 21.8 13.2 9.29 5.56 21.8 15.9 6.57 21.9 18.2 9.12 8.79 21.3 22.10 9.12 8.86 21.3 22.20 8.47 26.10 9.12..
Page 119: Index
.......34 Hach One ORP Electrode ....21 Calibration ......37 Hach One pH Electrode ....21 Calibration Procedure Variations ...40 Hach One pH Process Electrode ...85 Calibration Review .....41 Hysteresis .......28 Changing Pump Tubing ....87 hysteresis ........28 Connection to the pH Electrode ...71 Connection to the Pump Module ...71..- Page 120 Pump Module and Electrical Connections ..69 Pump Motor Replacement ....90 MAN TC ........34 Pump Wiring ......68 Manual entry of buffer value ....40 Purging the System .....72, 84 Marginal Calibration Indication ...38 maximum tubing length ....59 Meter Fuse Replacement ....88 Rate (Derivative) ......52 MODE .......30 Recommended Current Loop Hookup ..79 Mounting the Controller ....57..
- Page 121 Temperature Calibration ....41 temperature compensation (C COMP) submenu .33 Temperature Compensation Setup ...33 TITRation CURve .....31 Two-Point Calibration with Auto Recognition of Hach Buffers .....39 Wall Mounting ......59 Warning Codes .......37 Warnings ........36 WINDOW menu ......30 Wire Preparation ......64 Wiring Meter ......63 word length ......45..
- Page 125 Data point entry for titration curve ZERO TRIM (Con) Trim controller zero (in terms of mA output) OUT TRIM (Con) FS TRIM (Con) Trim controller full scale (in terms of mA output) © 1997, Hach Company All Rights Reserved 10-25-94 1ED..
- Page 126 SETUP KEY MENU (Continued) OPTION MENU ITEM DESCRIPTION RECORD 2 MODE (rEC) Recorder output mode (pH, mV) MINIMUM (rEC) Lower limit of recorder in terms of pH (-2.00 to +16.00 PH), mV (-2000.0 to +2000.0 MV) WINDOW (rEC) MAXIMUM (rEC) Upper limit of recorder in terms of pH (-2.00 to +16.00 PH), mV (-2000.0 to +2000.0 MV) O TRIM (rEC) Trim recorder zero (in terms of mA output)
- Page 127 EC 1000 pH / ORP QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE CALIBRATION MENU—CAL KEY OPTION MENU ITEM DESCRIPTION AUTO STD (Sd 1) pH calibration point 1 with auto recognition of buffer value STD 1 (CAL) MAN STD (Sd 1) pH calibration point 1 with manual entry of buffer value AUTO STD (Sd 2) pH calibration point 2 with auto recognition of buffer value STD 2 (CAL) *..
- Page 128 DIAGNOSTICS TEST MENU (press ENTER and CLEAR simultaneously) OPTION MENU ITEM DESCRIPTION DISP TST NONE Perform a display pattern test RLY TEST NONE Perform a relay open/close test SIO TEST NONE Perform a SIO loop-back test ZERO Drive recorder output to full scale REC TEST Drive recorder output to zero 1/2 FS..