Key Software Oracle Olr Cannot Be Opened.error 2
I am a new one who started to use Oracle Database and faced the problem during installation the last verstion of Oracle XE 11g x64 to the Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Enterprise. During installation w. Je viens d'installer un Oracle11 XE R2 qui a priori fonctionne depuis SQLDevlopper et depuis APEX, mais je vois le log d'erreur. Oracle olr cannot be opened. Error 2 [ CLSE][2864]clse_get_crs_home: Error retrieving OLR configuration [0] [Error.
I have an oracle installation that runs fine 95% percent of the time. But for some reason every day at a random time early in the morning (between 4:00am and 9:00am) I get the following error:
[ OCROSD][3248]utgdv:1:could not open registry key SOFTWAREOracleocr os error The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
[ OCRRAW][3248]proprinit: Could not open raw device
[ default][3248]a_init:7!: Backend init unsuccessful : [33]
[ CSSCLNT][3248]clsssinit: error(33 ) in OCR initialization
Mitigate stuttering (3): as Windows may be erroneously leaving some in a reserved state. Far cry 4 game profile.xml.
[ OCROSD][3248]utgdv:1:could not open registry key SOFTWAREOracleocr os error The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
It is odd that a registry error would happen at random times. Its not like my registry changes periodically throughout the day. Must it have something to do with the raw device not being available?
Anyone have any ideas? I am looking forward to your input.
2 Answers
I solved this by turning off flashback. I confirmed this was the issue by doing this:
At this point I turned off flashback.
This might also solve the problem, but I didn't try it:
Looks like you are not alone and it may have something to do with ASM.
You could watch it with Process Monitor to see exactly what process is looking for that registry key and see the events leading up to that query.
We just cleaned up a similar issue on one of our servers by reinstalling the client with the bare minimum services and features we needed.
Wish I could help you further.
Key Software Oracle Olr Cannot Be Opened. Error 2