Cracked Fallout New Vegas 4gb
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by MonochromeWench ( by olegchir (

Performance tweaker for Fallout New Vegas and TES V: Skyrim(formerly Fallout New Vegas 4GB or FNV4Gb)
Aug 21, 2017 - This mod is now deprecated, please go here instead Name: 4GB FNV Updated Authors:. DMCA Removal Request. If you think this page/material has infringed your rights, you can click here to send a Content Removal Request. (Please include corresponding URL in your body) I will remove this page as soon as I received it.
fallout-skyrim-optimizer is a tool to load Fallout New Vegasand Skyrim with the Large Address Aware executable flag set so theentire 4GB Virtual Memory Address Space can be usedby the game. This is useful when using lots of mods.
fallout-skyrim-optimizer is licensed under the terms ofthe GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.Read the included lgpl-2.1.txt for the terms. Source code isincluded with the package. Original binaries compiled using Microsoft VisualStudio 2012 on Windows 8 x64 with Win32 target.
Running with Steam
First, make sure Steam is running. Then run FNV4GB.exe to launch the game!You don't even need it in the games directory, just make sure FNV4gb.exe andfnv4gb_helper.dll are together.
If your version of Fallout New Vegas is not the standard version with theSteamAppID of 22380 you need to run fnv4gb.exe and specify the actualSteamAppID on the command line. Example: fnv4gb.exe -SteamAppID 22380
Running without Steam
It is required for heavily patched mods that provides steam-free modeand require modified exe files and inconsistent cache.Put fnv4gb.exe and fnv4gb_helper.dll for Fallout New Vegas(or skyrim4gb.exe and skyrim4gb_helper.dll for Skyrim)into the game directory and run our exefile.
Warning! This patch created only for legal use of the game.Please don't use it with SKIDROW cracks (or anything like that)because it is prohibited by law of most countries including Russia :-)
-exe The games original executable. If not an absolute path FNV4GBwill look for the executable in the Fallout New Vegas directoryusing paths that should be in the registry.Default is FalloutNV.exe.
-laaexe The executable created by the loader that has the LAA flag set.This must not be the same file as the original executable.* If this is an absolute path the file will be created using thatexact path.* If the path starts with . the exe will be created relative tothe directory containg FNV4GB.* Otherwise it will be created relative to the original executable.Default is use the original's name and create it in a directorycalled 'exes' in the directory containing FNV4GB.exe.
Fallout New Vegas Update Download
-SteamAppID The SteamAppID id to use. Default is 22380 for Fallout New Vegasand 72850 for Skyrim.
Fallout New Vegas Game Download
-nolaa Don't set the LAA flag or unset it if it was already set in theoriginal executable.
-nonvse Disable attempting to load NVSE (New Vegas Script Extender) whenplaying Fallout New Vegas
Ultimate Fallout New Vegas Walkthrough
-noskse Disable attempting to load SKSE (Skyrim Script Extender) whenplaying Skyrim
-extradll An extra dll to load into the laaexe process after its beencreated. This can be specified multiple times to load more than onedll.
-- Anything after this will be passed as is to the game when theloader creates the process.
FNV4GB.exe -laaexe .FalloutNV.exeCreate a LAA Exe called FalloutNV.exe in the directory containing FNV4GB.This is probably what you'd want to do if you need some other applicationto detect FalloutNV.exe loading, not FalloutNV.exe.4gb
FNV4GB performs the following actions
- Gets the Install Path for the game from the registry value:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREBethesda SoftworksFalloutNVInstalled Path
- Changes to the games Directory
- Copies FalloutNV.exe to FalloutNV.4GB if needed
- Sets the LARGEADDRESSAWARE bit on FalloutNV.4GB if needed
- Sets the environment variable SteamAPPId to 22380 (or whatever value wasspecified on the command line) which tells Steam to run the game (notrestart and load the launcher)
- Creates a new process for FalloutNV.4GB with the main thread suspended
- Injects fnv4gb_helper.dll into the FalloutNV.4GB process
- fnv4gb_helper unsets the LARGEADDRESSAWARE bit in the loaded headers sowhen steam verifies the loaded executable in memory it passes
- fnv4gb_helper hooks the GetTickCount function to attempt to reducestuttering
- fnv4gb_helper hooks the CreateFileA function so when steam attempts toverify the disk executable file against the loaded memory it loads theuntouched FalloutNV.exe instead of the modified FalloutNV.4gb
- The FNV4GB loader verifies that Large Addresses are enabeles in theFalloutNV.4gb
- FNV4GB loader unsuspends the main thread so the game can run